Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.
Start by highlighting the positive feedback that you have received during your work history. Also call attention to how your performance reviews have been consistently excellent (If true).
Mention how you think that no is perfect and that you welcome suggestions on how to improve your performance. Add an instance of a low-impact learning experience from early in your work life and explain how it has helped you. This would be a good way of illustrating that you are the kind of person that does not make mistakes and if one does occur you have the positive attitude to learn from it to become better at your work.
If the interviewer is not satisfied with this answer and you are egged on for a criticism from your more recent work history; choose something inconsequential and not crucial to your successful performance. Add how you have learned from this and how it’s not a problem anymore because you make it a habit to…etc...
A different way to tackle this question would be to speak of your intent to develop skill in an area of expertise which is of growing importance in your line if work. This could be a computer program that you intend to learn, or a new management technique that you’ve read about. Speak of your intention/desire to attend seminars on new best practices and developments within your domain. In case the interviewer goads you to speak in more detail, or even just tackling the question with this approach would mean that you would need to be ready with examples and instances. So be prepared.
The point is to target something not essential or critical to your excellent performance but illustrates how by adding experience and know how to your already impressive knowledge base, you can rise above any issues that you face at your workplace.