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What are your outside interests?

Before answering this, if you have done your research, try to assess how the company culture would look upon your favorite non-work related activities and prepare accordingly.

You can also use this question to prevent from yourself being typecast which in turn could limit your chances. Say if you are over 40 you could describe things that demonstrate physical prowess or strength. If you are young, any activity that suggests wisdom and institutional trust for e.g. heading a charity can have positive results.

There is a very small chance that it would come up in an interview but an area that candidates largely ignore is that of the various social networks and how they affect an employer’s perception of you. Keep your interactions clean and be mindful of anything that might show you in a negative light. You could also use the social networks to your advantage by substantiating the above with examples. Know how privacy settings work for the particular social network and adjust accordingly to your needs to display only appropriate personal content.

Over and above, remember that the employers intends to hire you for what you can do for them and not for your family, yourself or outside organizations; regardless of how admirable or magnanimous those activities may be.


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