Why have you been out of work so long?
Regardless of why you’ve been without employment, it’s important to highlight factors of your own choosing that have extended your job search.
“When I began looking for a job, I made the conscious decision not to take the first offer that comes along. I choose to take out time and think through what I do best, what I want to do and where I like to do it. I then began to narrow down the companies that could offer me the specific opportunities. The job market has been quite demanding. Between this and my being selective the process has taken some time. I am confident that when I do find the right match, it would be a win-win situation for both me and the company that hires me.”
Tell me honestly about the strong and weak points of your boss (company, management, team…)
It is important not to speak negatively about anyone or anything during the interview. Emphasize only on the positive points, regardless of how charmingly you are tempted to be critical.
It would not affect the interviewer in the least if you spoke badly about anyone or anything. However, it would be an indication of your general attitude and if you would in turn speak badly about the current company while within, or after your stint with them.
This is a good chance to express your loyalty and positive attitude to those you have worked with or are planning to work with in the future.