Aren’t you overqualified for this position?
This is a rare question that only comes up when either you have more related experience than the interviewer estimates the job needs; or,...
Why should I hire you?
Most times, if and when you are asked this question, you are on your way to getting the job. All it remains for is a successful answer to...
Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position?
(If you have a job presently) If you have not decided to leave your present job for the one applied for, don’t be afraid to say so. Since...
What are your greatest weaknesses?
is no way to ensure that you are going to get this a 100% correct if you decide to be honest about your answer. Most companies put...
What are your greatest strengths?
Surely you have other strengths that you can apply? Even a so-called weakness can be a strength as long as it’s worded correctly. Things...
Tell me about yourself.
Always start with the present and try to align it with why you think you are suitable and qualified with the position. The interviewer is...
50 answers to a better job.
Each Interview is unique. Notwithstanding, you can still prepare for some of the common experiences that most candidates face. Preparing...